Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Planting

Spring is a time of regeneration and renewal. This is manifested in many different ways, but the most notable are an increase in sunlight from day to day, animals coming out of hibernation and flowers blooming and blossoming. It is a season of new life.

Now is the time to replenish and add new plants to your beds. If there is a specific plant you want planted, or just bare spots in your bed, spring is the time to plant. Here are a few plants that are ideal to plant in the spring.

CALIBRACHOATougher than petunias, calibrachoa has smaller flowers that last longer and fall off cleanly after bloom. They're also abundant with ample water and fertilizer. These flowers should be planted at least 10 to 12 inches apart and should be planted early spring.

NEW GUINEA IMPATIENS- These plants need sun to bloom well. Choose an area that gets morning sun and light afternoon shade. Give them ample water. Feed regularly, starting 3 weeks after planting. They are typically beautiful in beds with colorful foliage plants that thrive in part sun.

ZINNIA ELEGANSPlant in full sun in a spot that gets good air circulation. Feed regularly and snip off faded flowers to keep new ones coming. Among the easiest plants to grow from seed, zinnias need protection from snails and slugs.

These plants will fill your beds, while adding color and beauty. These should all be planted in the spring, which allows you to fix your beds at the beginning of the year.

Tyler Kaiser
T. J. Landscaping Inc.

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